Toxins In Your Life

reduce toxins raw foods

So you think because you’ve quit smoking and you enjoy a mostly vegetarian and totally organic diet that you don’t need to detox? If that is the case, you would be wrong. Toxins are everywhere in our daily lives. Toxins come in primary methods which are those that you ingest or absorb directly due to your own actions, and secondary methods which are environmental and occur without any action on your part.

But before we get too deep into where toxins exist in your life, we need to talk about the word ‘toxin’ or ‘toxic’. When we talk about toxins we don’t necessarily mean something that will instantly make you deathly ill or send you straight to your grave. Toxins are unhealthy substances that get into the body through any one of the elimination systems. What makes these toxins, toxic is that they make the elimination systems work inefficiently, which means these toxins seep into the blood stream and that is how we end up with short term or chronic illnesses.

Now that you understand toxins it is time to talk about how they get into your body so you can start cutting them off before they get close to you!

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